Runes of Magic: Storming of the Acropolis

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Today’s patch for Runes of Magic paves the way for brave groups of adventurers to journey into the heart of the Naga Empire. Patch ‘2.1.2 – Storming of the Acropolis’ also adds the Halloween Pumpkin Festival into the online role-playing game, together with some long-awaited elite skills for the Elf classes and a territory expansion for the ‘Aotulia Volcano’ zone.

Until now, the huge Naga Acropolis in the volcanic territory has been inaccessible. With ‘2.1.2 – Storming of the Acropolis’, the gates of the fortress are now open and so is a special district inside the zone which will challenge players. Countless elite henchmen occupy the walls and trenches around the Acropolis – Naga troops have set up their camps all around. Solo players don’t have a chance here; only well-equipped groups will ultimately get to face off against the leader of the Naga army: King ‘Sharleedah’ will provide a tough battle for adventurers and can only be toppled by extreme force.

In addition to the new district, patch ‘2.1.2 – Storming of the Acropolis’ offers Elven players some new elite skills for their dual class combination. Minor changes in the interface, new titles for their avatars as well as fixing a few bugs have all been included in today’s update. For more information, check the official website of Runes of Magic.


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