Seven Souls Online has started its closed beta test

Neowiz Games has started the closed beta of its new free-to-play MMORPG Seven Souls Online. The game is currently accepting registration for new closed beta testers at the game's official website.

In Seven Souls Online, players unleash their inner demon in a fantasy world that combines the ancient East and West, as well as elements of science-fiction. Players can choose from three character classes, the magic-enhanced Manatech Rebel, the savage Imperial Guard and the cunning Exiled Avenger, and then slaughter their way through vast armies of enemies.

The closed beta for Seven Souls Online has several in-game opportunities for testers to win prizes.

- The Great Bug Hunt - Closed beta testing is about reporting bugs, so the top seven players to submit the most useful bugs to developers, including a screenshot and a direction, will each win an iPad 2. Players can submit as often as they like, but only relevant bugs will count towards the final tally.
- Iconic Screenshot Contest - Beta testers can submit their top entry for the screenshot that best represents Seven Souls Online on the game's forums. After voting on the forum, the five players with the most popular images will win the ultra-rare "Burning Ghost Mount."

3 Comentarios de Seven Souls Online has started its closed beta test

  1. nobiTa

    I have my hybrid Dagger X Bow, focused on melee attacks for PVP and PVE plus the additional range when my opponents run 😛

  2. polUxhint

    Well this is not a bad game to spend time with while waiting for Diablo III

  3. weirdDMan

    I think this is the international version, Martial Empires is blocked on EU servers.
    Seven souls i think, hmm is block on EU and KR..? or the KR SSO is closed already?

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