Star Wars Galaxies will close its doors in December

Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts have announced that the Star Wars Galaxies servers will close Dec. 15 after eight years of service, because both companies have decided not to renew the license of the game with the imminent release of Star Wars: The Old Republic.

"LucasArts is launching a new MMO and our contract ended in 2012, so we decided not to renew," said John Smedley, president of SOE. "We have in preparation Clone Wars Adventures and believe it is time to put an end to SWG. It has nothing to do with the attacks we have suffered no shortage of players with, as the population remains stable."

The card game will also close because it can not continue separately and no longer Digital packs are available. As of September 15 will not sell more copies of the MMO or subscriptions, nor does it accept new high, while those who have bought six or twelve months of play will be refunded the remaining amount on 15 October, the day after which the title is free.

For a detail with the fans of the game will continue with Fan Appreciation special offers to the community. Also in December, held a farewell event.

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