Steam Early Access and Treasure Chests for AQ3D


AdventureQuest 3D - Giveaway headlogo - EN

Today we are giving away codes for AQ3D Steam Early Access and Treasure Chests for AdventureQuest 3D, the upcoming free to play cross-platform MMORPG sequel to the iconic AdventureQuest.

Get yours and follow the instructions below to redeem it.

Step 1. Never miss a giveaway by following us on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

Step 2. Complete the captcha, then add your email to the field above (beside the “Get Your Key” button). You can only sign up once for this giveaway. If it's the first time you use our system please check your email to validate it and add again the same mail in the field above.

Step 3. Create account AdventureQuest 3D go to your email to verify your account.

Step 4. Only Founders can play AQ3d on Steam. You were given a Founders Code, Enter that code Here.

NOTE: If you are already an existing player, you must still enter a promo code here to get your promotional item in AQ3D.
Look for the GET YOUR STEAM KEY button (in the Play True Cross-Platform section, just below the scheduled platform images). Click “Get your Steam Key”.

Step 5. Your AQ3D Steam Activation Key will be displayed. SELECT and COPY the code (or memorize it or write it down if you like being difficult) and install the steam client if you don’t have it.

Step 6. Agree to their terms of service and when you reach the code input window PASTE (or manually type in) your AQ3D STEAM KEY into the PRODUCT CODE FIELD and click NEXT.


AQ3D_treasure chest

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