Tales of Pirates 2 starts a new event “Brains & Brawn”

Tales of Pirates II begins on May 28th a special contest event known as “Brains & Brawn”.

The event will begin when the GM reveals 4 clues in the system channel and announces the start of a contest round. There will be a total of 10 rounds. Participating players waiting in Zone A of Arena Isle will need to pass through the perilous Zone B teeming with ghastly monsters and reach Zone C. There they must set up a stall, which they must name with the answer to the clues. The first pirate to set up his or her stall with the correct answer will win the round and earn 1 point.

Hordes of Zombies, Fox Spirits and Hell Pharaoh As roaming in Zone B are naturally immune to spells of invisibility, seduction and stunning, so they will pose a serious challenge to the contenders. Savvy swabbies will carefully observe their positions and patrol areas to determine the fastest route across Zone B. However, successfully navigating through Zone B is only half the battle. Players must be nimble in both mind and body as they attempt to set up their stalls quickly to display the correct answer. Setting up a stall is no simple task in Tales of Pirates, so attentiveness and speed are essentially if players wish to contend for the precious point available in each round.

The winners, and all the other participating players will receive several prizes and awards

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