The Forsaken World experience; full review

There is a war. There is an evil giant dragon who descends from the Giant Tree of Eyrda. There is a legion. There are powerful relics lost in previous wars. There is a forsaken world waiting for you.

Forsaken World is the newest Perfect World Entertainment's free to play MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role-playing game) title. And, in case you don't know about it, here we are to review it for you.

First of all, if you are wondering, Forsaken World is a great looking game which runs smoother on all types of computers. It uses an updated proprietary 3D engine, Angelica, and is not only limited to high-end computers. Graphics are spectacular; it has some of the best visuals in the MMORPG genre. You will appreciate in our full HD videos and our screenshots.

Let's start from the beginning. After a quick download of the client and the updating process (right now, we have a 3GB file), we get an easy-to-use window to set our settings (plus the usual tabs: register, website, patches, forums, support, etc.) and launch the game. Nothing unusual. After selecting the optimal configuration, if you are done with the window and you start the game, you will be taken to the select region and server screen. Once you choose yours, finally, you will be on the login screen. At this point, we have to say that it's a quite beautiful one. The music is awesome and the sound effects are spectacular. Once the music is over, you can hear the wind blowing and the giant hippogryph roaring and beating its wings.

Never mind, let's dive into the game. Now you will face your first important choice: race and class. Forsaken World offers five races: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Stoneman (which can be only played as male character) and Kindred. In this game you will have to be careful choosing your race, because your class will depend on your race. If you want to be a warrior, who excels at fighting with versatile skills, you have to choose Human or Elf. If you want to be an assassin, an agile killer who love light weapons and dark nights, you will be able only being Human or Kindred. If you want to be a mage, a talented master of magic who adores the power of magic, you should choose Human or Kindred. If you want to be a priest, only Humans and Elves have the faith needed to excel at assisting and healing. If you want to be a Bard, who likes to play melodious music that is sometimes inspiring and sometimes frighting, Elf is your race. If you want to be a Marksman, who deals damage from long range using hand-crafted rifles, only a Dwarf may be one. If you want to be made from the rocks, with an inborn strength which can resist almost any strike, you will be a Stoneman protector. Stonemen can only choose this class. And, finally, the most special class: Vampires, a Kindred exclusive class who deals massive damage instantly, heals itself and can change its appearance.

Take a look at our character creation video, in Full HD quality, right here.

While you think of what you want to be, we will talk you about two very interesting features you will find in the process. In the character selection screen there is a "Micro-Meter", which shows you the difficulty level of each class. Three stars is a low difficulty level, whereas five stars represent a difficult to play class. For MMORPG beginners, we would recommend a low rated class such as the Protector. The assassin and the warrior, with five stars, represent the most difficult classes to play. The second feature we want to talk you about is the Zodiac sign. At the last step in the character creation process you will have to choose under what zodiac sign you were born. Depending on it, you will receive different revelations from the Gods.

As we aren't very skillful players, we choose the bard, a four stars class, to live this Forsaken World experience. And Virgo as zodiac sign, because symbolizes wisdom and talent and we are suppose to be smart and sensitive.

Our adventure starts at Osloh village, the largest of the elf cities (the future doesn't look so good to elves; there aren't so much of them around here). Our first impression is good. As you can see, Forsaken World offers a quite intuitive and simple interface. The ambient music is really immersive. And graphics are beautiful. At the top of the screen, a yellow arrow marks our zodiac symbol. From the very first moment in game we can pray and receive revelations from Gods. With the first one we get a basic equipment: Jacket, pants and boots.

Elder Wisestorm wants to see us, so here we go. The movements are fluid and animations seem natural. She gives us a harp and, immediately, the tutorial arrow teaches us how to equip it. Questing looks pretty easy. On the quest log you will see green words, which you can use to auto-route. If you click on the green words, your character will move by itself to the destination. ร€s you can see in the screenshots, you will find the key words available to auto-route: NPC quest-deliver and quest target. Nobody forces you to use the auto-route system, but it's a good complement while questing if you don't like to think so much. You don't even need to read the quest to know what to do.

While we were killingw treants, the next revelation was ready. This time, the Gods give us a soulforce skill, which does lethal damage to common monsters within 10 meters and requires 100 soulforces to be used. We can see how many soulforces we have on the green bar under the mana (blue), top left corner. With each enemy you kill, you will get one soulforce. Revelations keep coming and we get very useful stuff, like a potion to increase our combat capabilities the next two hours. The first four prayers of each day will give you EXP and a chance to get gifts from the Gods.

We should talk about the bard class now. As musicians, we can perform tones. Each ability produces a chord (C and D, for now). To perform our first music skill: surge, we need to complete a CCD chord combination. Once we achieve it, our base attack will be increase by 50 for 20 seconds.

Take a look in Full HD quality at the gameplay experience.

Another funny aspect of Forsaken World is the possibility to change your character's appearance. You can wear and show your gear equipment or your fashion equipment. It's just a visual effect, so you don't have to be worried about yours stats. From our point of view is an interesting role-playing component, a cool social feature to have fun with yours friends and other players.

Let's talk about the Eyrda Boutique, a digital store within Forsaken World. Pushing the J key, the catalog will pop up. The currency of this particular shop is the Eyrda Leaf, which you can acquire charging directly from the shop (the conversion rate at this point in time is 40 Eyrda Leaves per 1 US Dollar) or going to the Eyrda Leaf Exchange to exchange with your Gold Coins. The store is organized by tabs (Utility, refine, pets, mounts and fashion).

To give you an idea of the cost of items for sale, you can buy pets and mounts for 600 Eyrda Leaves. We tried the Boutique buying a Corrupt Panther mount and an Eggshell Dragon pet, but we will have to wait till level 50 to see them in action. Fortunately, once we left the starting area and arrive to Freedom Harbor, the largest harbor city, we found a high level player. So we can show you the Corrupt Panther.

In the city, Rachel, a lovely pet dealer, gave us a free pet. Like if were living the Pokemon tv show, she offers us three pets to choose. We took a turtle. Immediately, we clicked right-mouse button to summon it but our turtle appeared in the Hatch slot of our pet window, which it says that our turtle is being hatched. If the duration of hatching is over 10 minutes, you may get a better pet. Once the time is over, we get a cool level 1 Master turtle. Pets play an important role in Forsaken World. Pets have strengths and weaknesses. For example, Our turtle is weak against darkness attacks but strong against physical and water attacks. We have to feed them and teach them different talents. And they will help us in different ways.

Do you want to visit with us Freedom Harbor? Take a look at the city in Full HD quality.

Work time. At level 10 you will be able to get a job. As we like the art of making potions, we chose botanic and alchemist, spending all our job points. If you want, you can freeze a job to restore the job points, except for socialite, adventurer and merchant. Those jobs can't be frozen. The different jobs are: botanist, alchemist, chef, fisherman, socialite, miner, artisan, adventurer, archanist, tamer, merchant, scavenger, weaponsmith and armorsmith. Once you are botanic, you will have an extra option to display resource points on the minimap; plants, in the case. Our alchemist tutor showed us how to create some potions, but we need to collect some plants in the first place, so we left the city. Plants appear on the minimap as a small picture. We can click on the icon, in the minimap, to auto-route our character to the plant. Now we have all the ingredients we need, we can create our potions. Jobs look quite useful. Almost everyone in the city is crafting.

Talents are the last feature we want to introduce you. At level 20, you will start to receive talent points (one per level. At the moment, 50 is the level cap). Each class has three talent threes. Perfect World, the developer behind Forsaken World, has enabled an official talent calculator website. You can find it through this link. It's a perfect place to take a look at how a class could evolve. As you can imagine, talents are the usual: to increase critic hit rate, resistances, mana cost, reduce cooldown, evasion, damage, effective radius, speed, attack power... etc.


Given the fact that Perfect World are an experienced developers, we do think Forsaken World is a high quality MMORPG. The game is really fun, immersive, complete and beautiful. During this experience, we have not had any problems at all with the client: no crash or lag. It has been a quite good gameplay experience. We do recommend everyone to give it a try. And do not remember is best feature: free to play. You won't regret it.

21 Comentarios de The Forsaken World experience; full review

  1. Anonymous Person Thing

    Really digging this game so far. I think everyone who wanted to like Perfect World International but couldn’t get into the non-western style should give this game a shot. Graphics are great, finding quests is a breeze, leveling feels even, writing is great, combat animations and effects are excellent, every race has a different starting area…this is quality stuff for a free MMO. It’s also worth mentioning that the community, so far, has been exceptionally friendly. You’ll probably accumulate a good number of friends playing.

    Give it a try.

  2. Ariona Vilante

    This game is beautifully stunning graphic wise. But I feel that this is all this game has to offer. After level 30, leveling becomes ridiculously complicated. Killing mobs barely harvest experience. Quests barely log any feasible exp. Having to do tasks like “Gods Trial” is considered grinding and gives great exp. But can only do it once per day. The other instances are confusing and vary with quests so its hard to party together and accomplish everyones tasks. There two types of currency. Souls coins are a pain in the ass to collect and can not be traded. Overall I give it a 5/10.

  3. Jack

    Nice fake review to get business, sleazebags.

  4. Rednights

    Going to try this out, thanks for the videos, graphics look nice. Looked the official forums, looks like a decent number of people playing.

  5. Sydnee_Steele

    The graphics are AMAZING but thats about it when it comes to the pros. The cons are quite a list starting with clunky game mechanics, random game crashes, total grind-fest after level 30 and Mods/game help is very hard to get ahold of when you have issues. This game is worth playing if you have alot of patience and are a total hardcore gamer.

  6. Yurael

    Graphics look dated, gameplay looks boring.


    Yeah, nice review! It helped a lot! NOT!

    This is so obviously some ass kisser mod from the game, this can’t even be considered a review since there is no negatives listed whatsoever, you just go on about how great the game is, and are those people below me really you? God you are such a douche, get a life, asshole.

  8. ForakenworldMod

    Gameplay is awesome! I love this game. Over 200,000 people playing when im playing. Game is so fresh and smooth. Hope you like this ass kisser review to the game

  9. Hmmm

    LAWL ๐Ÿ˜€ Please visit for more information ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Viking

    I’m beginning to loose faith in the MMO community all together.
    If people consider Forsaken World a game with beautiful graphics, I can’t help but looking at my calendar to confirm that this is indeed 2011. The graphics in many new games today, including Forsaken World, are on par with games released in 2003.

    – Characters look like paperdolls walking around.
    – Colors are very bland.
    – Very low polygon count results in jagged edges all over
    – Whole image appears greyish as if gamma is set too high, but is a function to hide distant objects to increase performance and cannot be compensated for.
    – Shadows in the game is done completely wrong (almost all surfaces in a real environment will be illuminated differently based on angle towards light sorce, and round edges will have gradient shadows)
    – Most of the textures are of poor quality and makes objects look blurry and flat.
    – User interface looks cheap with a poor choice of font.
    – The entire graphics engine is poorly optimized, causing the game to run slow even on the best of computers at highest settings, while still looking bad.

    A pretty game doesn’t mean it runs slow as long as it has an optimized engine and plenty of tweaking options.

    Reusing an outdated graphics engine that was never good in the first place however is not a good idea.

  11. ROFLprince

    the game itself is quite ok, the graphics is not that lame or not that good either, IMO, this game has potential, however some of the things i found rather stupid for my taste was the lazy “click the highlighted word to find the whatever ” feature. Where as you can simply click on a name of a person or monster and automatically your avatar would go to it, pretty stupid if you ask me. Secondly, it offers some what of a party feel to it not something new, i’d say it was pretty much a repeated concept from the older MMO’s i’ve seen so far. in a different perspective this seems new to the non trained eye, but if you’d look closely at the elements, features etc. this is pretty much the same shit as Perfect world online, only more mythical but has the same feel to it.

    from a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the lowest, i’d consider this game to be atleast a 6 for being able to stand out and fool a certain amount of people to even consider playing this game again’st the other kick ass online games there.

    but as an overall i wouldn’t really recommend this to anyone, i’d rather stick with playing world of warcraft or if a “FREE TO PLAY” category is in question i’d say RF online or Allods online.

  12. ROFLprince

    or better yet Dragona online it has the same elements but the graphics is just stunning. compared to this…

  13. Ixchel

    I have seen horribly put together games in the past and this is not one of them. Personally, I think the graphics are very pretty on my laptop. I have not found any grammatical errors (yet, but they are usually abundant in online games.) It does not lag or freeze and I have to say that I like it quite a bit. And I want to state for the record that I despise WoW, so I will not compare this game to it.

  14. Level60Priest

    This game is beautifully stunning graphic wise. But I feel that this is all this game has to offer. After level 30, leveling becomes ridiculously complicated. Killing mobs barely harvest experience. Quests barely log any feasible exp.

    -Actually, the quest exp was increased 3x. Quests are now considerably more rewarding. Killing mobs, however, is still not an ideal way to train. Between 30-40, you can get about 2 levels a day. 40-50, about a level a day. After that, a level every other day or so. That’s a pretty good rate.

    Having to do tasks like โ€œGods Trialโ€ is considered grinding and gives great exp. But can only do it once per day.

    -Using a Lionheart scroll (grants x2 exp for 1/2 hour) is ideal for this instance. Yes, it gets repetitive after running it about 100 times, but the exp is still worth it. Again, it all depends on your group; if you get a lousy team with assholes who afk, GT (God’s Trial) will take your over 30 min, even up to 45 min. With a good group, you can finish it in 20 min. (My record is 18 min.)

    The other instances are confusing and vary with quests so its hard to party together and accomplish everyones tasks.

    -Read up on instances on the forums; they are not difficult at all and are, for the most part, straight forward. Usually, the tank will know what he is doing so just follow his orders.

    There two types of currency. Souls coins are a pain in the ass to collect and can not be traded.

    -Soul coins are a pain in the ass to collect *at first*. After level 40ish, you have an excess amount. At my current level (60), I have over 4 diamonds worth of soul coins with nothing to spend them on. Just be patient and do your quests. Yes, they cannot be traded, but that’s the intention. Use normal coins (copper/silver/gold/diamonds) to trade.

    Overall I give it a 5/10.
    -A pretty crappy review from someone who played up to ~level 25. For a F2P game, Forsaken World is fantastic. I highly recommend it to anyone who doesn’t want to shell out $15 a month for WoW.

    Note: This is not a paid comment of anything, just saying. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. Bran

    Graphics not really that great quests are nice exp gain isn’t that bad hehe

  16. Mjupi

    Considering how long it takes to develop a MMORPG, you can’t expect the highest quality graphics. Now, for all you haters, I don’t see you bringing out any top notch MMORPGs.

  17. nonthing

    This game is really good but the creators are fucking idiots, you can’t change your character server so if you accidently make a character in a server you don’t want to be on and play on it for a while before you realize it’s wrong then your FUCKED because they don’t allow to switch characters to other servers .

  18. mmoeer

    it’s a good game lets face it, the graphics are outdated and not amazing, but i enjoy this simple graphics. And its true, after lvl30 its really hard and almost impossible to have fun while its so hard to do quests and stuff

  19. Tatiianna

    mmoeer you are kidding me right? lol after level 30 I passed to 37 now in less than 2 days doing simply mentor instances, henry dailies, tutes and some main quest chain (still on level 20 one since I like to take my time on mains) on my main i came back from a 3months break level 62 I am now level 72 in less than 2 weeks…

    To those who keep stating this game has dated or bad graphics, please. Do you simply play a game based on how much it can slowly kill the life of your graphics card or you simply just gawk at the “better graphics”? No, you play for the game itself. Funny how some complain about games with no main story, in which this game DOES offer but no one gives a crap about it, and complains about graphics.

    Or that some players complain of games which does not have enough beneficial quests, which this game has and then people say its too much, heck Forsaken World even gives us x3 exp boost from quest rewards and mobs and its still “slow to level”

    Good graphics? Check.
    Good Gameplay? Check.
    Good Character ability customization? Check.
    Intriguing storyline and quests? Check.
    Fun DAILY events? Check.
    Good Guild V Guild events? Check.

    What this game really needs is higher player base thus making the community better and more engaging, the game itself is perfect imo but the rest is up to us players to make it even better.

  20. Tatiianna

    *Another note, those who play this game know why we are still playing those who haven’t even try it pass level 30 shouldn’t complain when you still haven’t experienced all that there is. ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. apocalypticmayhem

    the review doesn’t say much about gameplay and graphics

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