Tribes: Ascend Gameplay Commentary

Tribes Ascend - First Look headlogo - EN

Tribes: Ascend, Hi-Rez's Free-to-Play MMOFPS, has received recently a major content update, and we have decided to take a look at the current situation of this exciting PvP shooter where we can fight in a huge variety of maps and game modes such as Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, or Capture and Hold. One of the most interesting features of this game is the Skiing. The Skiing is a vital part of gameplay and involves fast paced movement around the map to help you get about and pursue (or flee…) enemies. And if we combine the skiis with the jetpack we can jump up hills and scale cliffs!

Check out our Gameplay Commentary and see how we get on in an intense battle across a huge capture the flag map. Let us know what do you think about the game!

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