Trickster unveils a new update

SG Interactive, today announced a massive update for Trickster Season 2. The latest revision for the popular online title features just about everything a virtual community could ask for, including updates for zones, changes for Job Quests, alterations to Fiesta Zone, and more.

For higher-level players, both 2nd and 3rd Job Change quests have been altered, including the addition of a Growth Badge that will now replace the individual badges that each class had to acquire for their job change. NPC quest lines, positions, and required items have also been changed to give players something new and challenging to look forward to.

The new zone updates include quest changes for popular areas, including Caballa Relics, Oops Wharf, Mermaid Palace, and others. Other changes, such as EXP/TM gains and the addition of mini maps for dungeons, have also been implemented.

Additionally, Fiesta Zone will now be available every two hours, giving players the chance to enter at 12 different times throughout the day. Keep in mind however, that it’s only possible to participate in Fiesta twice every 24 hours.
To enter Fiesta, players must wait for a message stating that Fiesta will appear and then double click the Fiesta Ticket to gain entrance into the Waiting Room. Once inside, the portal to the Fiesta Ballroom map for your level will appear, with each Fiesta Ballroom staying open for a total of 10 minutes. After five minutes, a separate portal to the Grand Ballroom will appear, whisking players away to an arena filled with higher-level monsters.

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