Warframe has announced that is going to be released for PlayStation 4

Digital Extremes has announced that the successful Free-to-Play sci-fi shooter Warframe is going to be released for PlayStation 4 as a launch title. The game offers great potential regarding connectivity and community tools, aspects which will be enhanced in the PlayStation 4.

And to celebrate this announcement they have released the first trailer for the game on the new platform.

"The fact that we are developing Warframe for the launch of the PS4, is simply fascinating," said Steve Sinclair, creative director at Digital Extremes. "The curious thing about all this is that the initial concept of the game was planned for the launch of the Playstation 3 and at the end we will release Warframe for Playstation 4. Exciting times are coming with the new generation of consoles".

Source: Digital Extremes Press release.

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