Webzen second aniversary promotion (Archlord, SUN, R2 and MU)

Webzen and all its games, Archlord, Soul of the Ultimate Nation "SUN", R2 Online and Mu Online, celebrate Webzen Secound Year Anniversary. To celebrate it, we are giving away beta keys with which you could activate all 4 servicing games Beta Key benefit.

The promotion starts at July 20, and it will run till August 10. And you can get your key right here, then follow the instructions.

The benefits are the following:

1. Trail experience of NEW expansion ‘Ascent From Hell’ before it’s release at the Beta Key Server.
2. Provided with a level 100 character to start at the Beta Key server
3. Able to use limitless cash items for FREE at the Beta Key server.
* To access to Archlord Beta Key Server you will need to download the Beta Server Client

Soul of the Ultimate Nation
1. Able to create the new added class of Episode 2 in advance.
2. Provided with a special potion which will level up the character to level 30.
3. Limited Beta Key Mount and fast level up provided during the event period

R2 Online
1. Beta Key active account will be able to participate on the 2nd User Test and experience the unreleased content Siege and Spot Warfare.

MU Online
1. Beta Key active account will be able to create the game’s new character ‘Rage Fighter’ for FREE.

Once you have your key, after login in to the webzen website, enter your beta key number, then click “Confirm”.

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